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Confidentiality & Security

Everyone at Word Perfect, from our project managers and staff to our translators and interpreters, recognizes the importance of safeguarding the clients information. Everyone at Word Perfect with access to the client’s information is bound by our translation company’s strict non-disclosure requirements.

It is absolutely essential that, arising out of the provision of our services, confidentiality is always maintained – most particularly in respect of two relationships. The first of these relationships is that between Employee and Customer or Client and the second is that between Employer and Employee. It is hereby agreed that the utmost good faith and confidentiality in respect of all information sensitive or otherwise must always be maintained not only for the benefit of Word Perfect Translation Services Limited but also for the benefit of those it serves.

At Word Perfect Translations, our EN 15038:2006 and IS0 9001:2008 certified quality control processes include detailed policies designed to protect the confidentiality of every translation project and interpreting session. We follow these policies diligently because we recognize the importance of safeguarding our client’s proprietary information.

All employees of Word Perfect Translation are fully aware and always remember they are also its Agents. In other words, they hold themselves out as acting for and on behalf of the Company during the course of their employment. Since our daily translating, and interpreting tasks and all administration tasks involved with this often expose us to the intimate details of other people’s personal lives, we pledge unto ourselves the promise that we shall not exceed our job description and duties by divulging anything whatsoever about our Customers and Clients beyond that which is essential for the proper commission of these duties.

We further pledge unto ourselves not to transmit such details in any way, shape or form whatsoever other than is strictly necessary for the nature of our business. This includes, of course, the necessity not to comment (other than we must in connection with our duties) to others on the information of which we learn. Word Perfect Translations confirms that all its Employees (translators and interpreters) have never been convicted of a criminal offence and that they are fully Garda Vetted to provide translation and interpreting services into any language.